Yoga & Fitness Workshops 2024

ASCEND - A BREATHWORK JOURNEY: Sunday, June 9th, 2024, 7pm - 8:30pm

Guided by: Victoria Starr -


in this 90-minute transformational workshop, you’ll tap into the power of your breath, creating:

deeper mental FOCUS

present moment AWARENESS

precision of movements using VISUALIZATION

CONTROL of fear through your BREATH


Using a simple yet powerful 3-part breathing pattern, you’ll broaden your ability to be “IN THE ZONE” and become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable!


A 90-minute RESET Breathwork Journey. This is a 3-part conscious connected breathing pattern to bring about a meditative state of being, tap into the flow of the present moment, and connect to the conscious control of the breath to increase endurance and stamina. This is NOT the same as pranayama breathing. Though pranayama has many benefits, the Rest Breath Method takes you way deeper into your body and soul, creating a more profound state of relaxation and awareness. This transformation practice will get you out of your head and into the "zone" of present awareness - leaving you feeling light, calm, grounded, and focused.

$30.00 members/$40.00 non-members

Sign up online with Mindbody or at the front desk.